On demand

Everything that you ever wanted to ask about NetHunt CRM

No limits.

Hosted by <b>Anastasia Tatsenko</b>, Head of Customer Success at NetHunt CRM

Hosted by Anastasia Tatsenko, Head of Customer Success at NetHunt CRM

This is our monthly meeting where we discuss how to effectively use NetHunt CRM for your business purposes and current challenges. This time, the floor is all yours, we won’t prepare any topic in advance and will only focus on the questions that you ask.

Anastasia is the real NetHunt CRM product expert. From CRM set up, to automations, to mind-blowing workarounds, she is ready to talk everything NetHunt.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • checkmarkHow to reorder columns?
  • checkmarkHow to send emails from another account?
  • checkmarkWhy aren’t my emails linked to records?
  • checkmarkWho opened my emails? How to activate link tracking?
  • checkmarkWhy are my emails going to spam?

The list goes on and on…Don’t miss the chance to ask your question.

Fill in the form to get the recording

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