API Documentation

This page is intended for software developers wishing to integrate their applications with NetHunt CRM. We support listing folders, creating, searching and updating records via our API.


Interaction with NetHunt CRM happens via HTTPS using GET and POST methods and the "application/json" media type for payload.

For "Basic" authentication the credentials are constructed by first combining the username (your email) and the password (your api key) with a colon (example@nethunt.com:c3e07232-05d3-40c6-a18b), and then by encoding the resulting string in base64 (ZXhhbXBsZUBuZXRodW50LmNvbTpjM2UwNzIzMi0wNWQzLTQwYzYtYTE4Yg==).

AuthorizationBasic ZXhhbXBsZUBuZXRodW50LmNvbTpjM2UwNzIzMi0wNWQzLTQwYzYtYTE4Yg==


List all accessible folders

GET /triggers/readable-folder
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/readable-folder
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b810",
        "name": "My first folder"
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b811",
        "name": "My second folder"
Result fieldsDescription
idFolder ID
nameFolder name

List folders which the user can create records in

GET /triggers/writable-folder
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/writable-folder
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b810",
        "name": "My first folder"
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b811",
        "name": "My second folder"
Result fieldsDescription
idFolder ID
nameFolder name

List folder fields

GET /triggers/folder-field/{folderId}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/folder-field/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to list fieldsRequired
Sample result
        "name": "Name"
        "name": "Birthday"
        "name": "Primary Email Address"
Result fieldsDescription
nameFolder field name

Find records by ID or text query

GET /searches/find-record/{folderId}?recordId={recordId}&query={query}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/searches/find-record/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?query=Name%3ADoe&limit=10
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find records inRequired
recordIdRecord ID if availableEither recordId or query must be specified
querySearch queryto narrow records returnedEither recordId or query must be specified
limitMaximum number of records to return1
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z",
        "updatedAt": "2015-02-01T12:30:10.510Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
            "Employed": true,
            "Salary": 100000,
            "Keywords": [
                "Big Data"
            "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
            "Other Email Addresses": [
                "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
                "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
            "Co-workers": [
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "createdAt": "2015-02-01T12:35:15.880Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "Jane Doe"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal purposes only
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime of record creation
updatedAtTime of last record update
fieldsField names and values

Find recently created records

GET /triggers/new-record/{folderId}?since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/new-record/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=2
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find new records inRequired
sinceOnly records created after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of records to returnNo limit
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
            "Employed": true,
            "Salary": 100000,
            "Keywords": [
                "Big Data"
            "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
            "Other Email Addresses": [
                "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
                "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
            "Co-workers": [
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "createdAt": "2015-02-01T12:35:15.880Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "Jane Doe"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal purposes only
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime of record creation
fieldsField names and values

Find recently created record comments

GET /triggers/new-comment/{folderId}?since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/new-comment/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=2
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find new record comments inRequired
sinceOnly record comments created after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of record comments to returnNo limit
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b820",
        "commentId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b820",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z",
        "text": "My first comment"
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b821",
        "commentId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b821",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "createdAt": "2015-01-01T14:34:15.880Z",
        "text": "My second comment"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal purposes only
commentIdComment ID
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime of comment creation
textComment text

Find recently created call logs

GET /triggers/new-call-log/{folderId}?since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/new-call-log/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=2
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find new call logs inRequired
sinceOnly call logs created after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of call logs to returnNo limit
Sample result
    "id": "60672149da70705e2d1767d4",
    "callLogId": "60672149da70705e2d1767d4",
    "recordId": "5f4e3f715d3e3a479a237fcb",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-02T13:51:05.852Z",
    "text": "Yet another sample",
    "time": "2021-04-02T13:50:00Z",
    "duration": 1,
    "endTime": "2021-04-02T13:51:00Z"
    "id": "60672138700c05119ef89344",
    "callLogId": "60672138700c05119ef89344",
    "recordId": "5f4e3f715d3e3a479a237fcb",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-02T13:50:48.414Z",
    "text": "Sample call log",
    "time": "2021-04-02T13:00:00Z",
    "duration": 1,
    "endTime": "2021-04-02T13:01:00Z"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal use only
callLogIdCall log ID
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime when call log is created
textComment text
durationCall duration
timeTime when logged call started
endTimeTime when logged call ended

Find recently created Google Drive files

GET /triggers/new-gdrivefile/{folderId}?since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/new-gdrivefile/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=2
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find new Google Drive files inRequired
sinceOnly Google Drive files created after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of Google Drive files to returnNo limit
Sample result
    "id": "606725e6d778805d0c6ad358",
    "fileId": "606725e6d778805d0c6ad358",
    "folderId": "5e83adb7aafa736183219abf",
    "recordId": "5f4e3f715d3e3a479a237fcb",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-02T14:10:46.902Z",
    "googleDriveFileId": "1fzv5Uda_13RMxZCjc3HkUtIqGTLH0BjS",
    "description": "",
    "iconUrl": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_10_generic_list.png",
    "mimeType": "text/plain",
    "name": "1.txt",
    "url": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fzv5Uda_13RMxZCjc3HkUtIqGTLH0BjS/view?usp=drive_web"
    "id": "606725e6d778805d0c6ad359",
    "fileId": "606725e6d778805d0c6ad359",
    "folderId": "5e83adb7aafa736183219abf",
    "recordId": "5f4e3f715d3e3a479a237fcb",
    "createdAt": "2021-04-02T14:10:46.902Z",
    "googleDriveFileId": "10JHMcV4hqJvUQuqR1ZDlBMveYA9fBVWt",
    "description": "",
    "iconUrl": "https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_10_generic_list.png",
    "mimeType": "text/csv",
    "name": "2.csv",
    "url": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/10JHMcV4hqJvUQuqR1ZDlBMveYA9fBVWt/view?usp=drive_web"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal use only
fileIdFile ID
folderIdFolder ID
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime Google Drive file is created
googleDriveFileIdFile ID in Google Drive
iconUrlFile Icon URL
mimeTypeFile mime type
nameFile name
urlURL to view the file in Google Drive

Find recently updated records

GET /triggers/updated-record/{folderId}?fieldName={fieldName}&since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/updated-record/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?fieldName=Primary%20Email%20Address&fieldName=Other%20Email%20Addresses&since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=1
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to find updated records inRequired
fieldNameField name to limit updates observedOptional, multiple parameters with the same name allowed
sinceOnly records updated after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of records to returnNo limit
Sample result
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830-1500113235379",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z",
        "updatedAt": "2015-02-01T12:30:10.510Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "John Doe",
            "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
            "Employed": true,
            "Salary": 100000,
            "Keywords": [
                "Big Data"
            "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
            "Other Email Addresses": [
                "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
                "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
            "Co-workers": [
        "id": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b831",
        "createdAt": "2015-02-01T12:35:15.880Z",
        "fields": {
            "Name": "Jane Doe"
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal purposes only
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime of record creation
updatedAtTime of last record update
fieldsField names and values

Find recent record changes

GET /triggers/record-change/{folderId}?recordId={recordId}&fieldName={fieldName}&since={since}&limit={limit}
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/record-change/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14?fieldName=Primary%20Email%20Address&fieldName=Other%20Email%20Addresses&since=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A00.000Z&limit=1
Request parameterDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder IDRequired
recordIdRecord ID to look for single record changesIf missing, changes for all folder records are returned
fieldNameField name to limit changes observedOptional, multiple parameters with the same name allowed
sinceOnly changes made after this time are returned24 hours before time of request
limitMaximum number of changes to returnNo limit
Sample result
        "id": "597084cc39b70d3b5959c604",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "time": "2017-03-01T12:30:10.510Z",
        "user": {
            "personalName": "Jane Doe",
            "emailAddress": "<jane.doe@example.com>"
        "recordAction": "DELETE"
        "id": "597084cc39b70d3b5959c603",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "time": "2015-03-01T12:30:10.510Z",
        "user": {
            "personalName": "Jane Doe",
            "emailAddress": "<jane.doe@example.com>"
        "recordAction": "UPDATE",
        "fieldActions": {
            "Salary": {
                "remove": 100000,
                "add": 200000
            "Keywords": {
                "remove": [
                "add": [
        "id": "597084cc39b70d3b5959c602",
        "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
        "time": "2015-02-01T12:30:10.510Z",
        "user": {
            "personalName": "John Doe",
            "emailAddress": "<john.doe@example.com>"
        "recordAction": "CREATE",
        "fieldActions": {
            "Name": {
                "add": "John Doe"
            "Birthday": {
                "add": "1980-01-01"
            "Employed": {
                "add": true
            "Salary": {
                "add": 100000
            "Keywords": {
                "add": [
                    "Big Data"
            "Primary Email Address": {
                "add": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>"
            "Other Email Addresses": {
                "add": [
                    "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
                    "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
            "Co-workers": {
                "add": [
Result fieldsDescription
idFor internal purposes only
recordIdRecord ID
timeTime of record change
userUser who made that change
recordActionOne of CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE
fieldActionsNames of record fields along with actual changes made to them

Create a new record

POST /actions/create-record/{folderId}
Sample request
POST https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/actions/create-record/596f710ef5be7653dee0da14
    "timeZone": "Europe/London",
    "fields": {
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
        "Employed": true,
        "Salary": 100000,
        "Country": "GB",
        "Keywords": [
            "Big Data"
        "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
        "Other Email Addresses": [
            "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
            "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
        "Co-workers": [
Request parameters and fieldsDescriptionDefault value
folderIdFolder ID to create a record inRequired
timeZoneUser time zoneRequired
fieldsField names and valuesRequired
Sample result
    "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
    "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z",
    "fields": {
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
        "Employed": true,
        "Salary": 100000,
        "Country": "GB",
        "Keywords": [
            "Big Data"
        "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
        "Other Email Addresses": [
            "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
            "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
        "Co-workers": [
Result fieldsDescription
recordIdRecord ID
createdAtTime of record creation
fieldsField names and values

Create a new record comment

POST /actions/create-comment/{recordId}
Sample request
POST https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/actions/create-comment/596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830
    "text": "It's a comment"
Request parameters and fieldsDescriptionDefault value
recordIdRecord ID to create a comment forRequired
textActual comment textRequired
Sample result
    "commentId": "5970b408bbd55ad726e11bc3",
    "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z"
Result fieldsDescription
commentIdComment ID
createdAtTime of comment creation

Create a new record call log

POST /actions/create-call-log/{recordId}
Sample request
POST https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/actions/create-call-log/596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830
    "text": "It's a call log",
    "time": "2015-01-01T12:35:00Z",
    "duration": 2.5
Request parameters and fieldsDescriptionDefault value
recordIdRecord ID to create a call log forRequired
textActual call log textRequired
timeISO-formatted time in UTC when the call started
durationCall log duration in minutes
Sample result
    "callLogId": "5970b408bbd55ad726e11bc3",
    "createdAt": "2015-01-01T12:34:15.880Z"
Result fieldsDescription
callLogIdCall Log ID
createdAtTime of call log creation

Update a record

POST /zapier/actions/update-record/{recordId}?overwrite={overwrite}
Sample request
POST https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/actions/update-record/596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830
    "fieldActions": {
        "Name": {
            "overwrite": true,
            "add": "John Doe"
        "Salary": {
            "remove": 100000,
            "add": 200000
        "Country": {
            "remove": "ES",
            "add": "GB"
        "Keywords": {
            "remove": [
            "add": [
Request parameters and fieldsDescriptionDefault value
recordIdRecord IDRequired
overwriteDefault "overwrite" setting for the field actionsfalse
fieldActionsNames of record fields along with actions to performRequired
Field action fieldsDescriptionDefault value
overwriteClears existing record field value (do not use with "remove")If missing, the query parameter "overwrite" is used
removeValue(s) to remove (do not use with "overwrite" enabled)Optional
addValue(s) to add to the field. If the field can hold only single value and is not empty, either "remove" or "overwrite" must be used.Optional
Sample result
    "recordId": "596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830",
    "updatedAt": "2015-01-05T12:34:15.880Z",
    "fields": {
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
        "Employed": true,
        "Salary": 200000,
        "Keywords": [
            "Big Data",
        "Primary Email Address": "John Doe <john.doe@example.com>",
        "Other Email Addresses": [
            "J. Doe <j.doe@example.com>",
            "J. D. <j.d@example.com>"
        "Co-workers": [
Result fieldsDescription
recordIdRecord ID
updatedAtTime of last record update
fieldsField names and values

Delete a record

POST /zapier/actions/delete-record/{recordId}
Sample request
POST https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/actions/delete-record/596f644b8f6d05e16c24b830
Request parameters and fieldsDescriptionDefault value
recordIdRecord IDRequired
Sample result

Verify request credentials

GET /triggers/auth-test
Sample request
GET https://nethunt.com/api/v1/zapier/triggers/auth-test
Sample result
        "user": {
            "personalName": "John Doe",
            "emailAddress": "john.doe@example.com"
Result fieldsDescription
userName and email address of the user who makes the request

Country data format and requirements

We support a list of two-letter codes (ISO alpha-2), you can see the list of countries at this link.

Sample data
    "timeZone": "Europe/London",
    "fields": {
        "Name": "John Doe",
        "Birthday": "1980-01-01",
        "Country": "GB",
        "Country of birth": "UA"

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