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NetHunt CRM integration with Slack

We're excited to announce NetHunt CRM integration with Slack - a digital workplace that connects you to the people and tools you work with everyday. You will be able to share CRM information with your team in Slack, get instant notifications and updates, and mention specific customers, companies or deals.

Plan availability:

Basic Plus
Business Plus
NetHunt CRM integration with Slack screen 1 NetHunt CRM integration with Slack screen 2 NetHunt CRM integration with Slack screen 3

Connect Slack to NetHunt CRM
to get instant updates on noteworthy events in the pipeline

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Never miss a new lead

Get notifications in Slack when new leads are created or assigned to specific managers to reach out to them as soon as possible.

Receive important updates on pipeline changes

Keep up with real-time notifications when something worth your attention happens with the deal and share important information with your team. Closed the deal? Celebrate with the team by notifying everyone.

Customize notifications

While using Slack integration through NetHunt’s Workflows you can customize notifications and send any information about clients or deals that are important for your sales team.


Chatbots and personal chats

Tie and store messages from Telegram with customer records in the CRM.

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Create new contacts from Intercom chats, update client information and stay in context at all times.

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Facebook Messenger

Never miss a chat from Facebook. Keep the conversation history linked to your customer profile in NetHunt CRM.

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We'll be in touch soon to schedule a time.
Looking forward to helping you explore NetHunt CRM!