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Spam Filters Checklist

Say ‘No!’ to triggering spam filters

You’ve spent so much time building your mailing list and crafting the perfect content for your email campaign. Nothing can stop you at this point! You are pressing that magic ‘Send’ button… only to realise that your emails will never get opened — simply because they reached the wrong folder, the spam folder. So much potential profit lost. Ouch!


What’s inside?

  • Factors that affect your spam score

    To make sure your emails reach the desired destination, they need to be of the highest quality. From the words in the subject line to the links you add — every detail matters. Follow tips to prevent your emails from landing in the spam folder.

  • Tools to check if you trigger spam filters

    It’s not always easy to determine whether or not your emails go to spam. Even if your deliverability rates are high, your emails could be delivered straight into spam. We made a list of tools to assess your sender reputation.

  • Steps to prevent spam

    Spam filters are meant to make our lives easier and not harder; they defend our inboxes from unwanted and malicious emails. Once all the 19 points of our guide are checked, you are safe to send your email campaign!

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