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The Cold Outreach Guide

Craft an effective outreach strategy that drives sales.

Cold outreach can be difficult to nail, but you’ll see rapid growth in sales once you get ahold of it. You just need to find the right approach for your business. The following ebook contains all the cutting edge, tried and tested techniques, tools, and templates that will help you tame that mythical beast, cold outreach, across email, phone, and social media.


What’s inside?

  • Steps to build a prospecting list

    Before you can start firing out emails, tweets, and phone calls… you need to know who you will reach out to. We uncover how to develop a buyer persona that represents your ideal customer well and show you where you can find potential buyers.

  • Cold call script templates

    Cold-calling often results in rejection. To maximise your chances of getting through to your prospect, you should time your cold calls well and come fully prepared. Check the guide for effective pre-made cold calling scripts to get inspired.

  • Cold outreach tips from sales practitioners

    Outreach experts from Mixpanel, Similarweb and others share their tried-and-tested methods of doing outreach campaigns. Their tips will help you be seen as an advisor — and not just a salesperson — and build rapport.

Book pages

Here’s what you’ll know

Trying to get in touch with people that don’t know anything about you might be scary. The tips from our guide will give you the confidence to craft your next cold email or pick up the phone. It’s a superpower every salesperson should have!

Reasons to use cold outreach icon

Reasons to use cold outreach

Being a tough way of finding new buyers, cold outreach is one of the most effective ones. Especially if you know all the technicalities. A good bonus is that this strategy is free and generates a predictable pipeline. We give you impressive stats with the results that salespeople get after combining various cold outreach channels.

Effective ways to reach out over email and social media icon

Effective ways to reach out over email and social media

Even though salespeople think that cold calling is the best way to get replies, we believe that emails and social media can deliver great results, too. You just need to get your outreach strategy right. Cold emails and social media are convenient for both you and your prospects, they offer a simple way out of sticky situations you don’t get with face-to-face meetings.

Whether you need to follow up icon

Whether you need to follow up

Inboxes are busy places, and you can only assume that you got lost in the rabble. An effective follow-up campaign is as important as, if not more important than, your original cold outreach campaign. Do not stick to one outreach channel; combine a few to break the ice and get the reply.

How to measure your cold outreach campaign icon

How to measure your cold outreach campaign

Sending outreach campaigns for the sake of sending makes no sense; it has to be effective and reach the initial goal. There are various metrics we can measure campaigns against each other to gauge the effectiveness of our individual and aligned cold outreach campaigns. In the guide, we cover activity, quality, and conversion.

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