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NetHunt CRM integration with Intercom

We're excited to announce NetHunt CRM integration with Intercom. You are now able to add leads from Intercom to your CRM, add Intercom chats to your clients profiles, and see the most recent social conversations your team has had with your contacts and leads.

Plan availability:

Basic Plus
Business Plus
NetHunt CRM integration with Intercom screen 1 NetHunt CRM integration with Intercom screen 2 NetHunt CRM integration with Intercom screen 3

Capture your Intercom leads in just one click!

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Keep all the conversation history in your CRM by automatically sending your Intercom chats to contacts in NetHunt CRM.

Create new leads with one click right from your Intercom chats and pull Intercom leads data.

View and manage all Intercom chats in NetHunt CRM, both linked and not linked.

Instantly synchronize chats and conversations with NetHunt CRM to get the most up-to-date picture on your leads and deals.

Google Contacts

Upgrade your Google contacts with CRM functionality and add them to your sales process.

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Facebook Messenger

Never miss a chat from Facebook. Keep the conversation history linked to your customer profile in NetHunt CRM.

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NetHunt integrates seamlessly with LinkedIn, bringing CRM capabilities to your favourit lead generation platform.

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Looking forward to helping you explore NetHunt CRM!