Learn how to nail calls and handle objections like a pro.
You're already on their bad side. When your call interrupts the buyer's day, you have only one chance to overcome their first instinct to hang up 😬.
That's why sales reps dread calls almost as much as buyers...
How do you overcome that? With our five-step algorithm that helps you feel more confident and have better luck connecting with prospects 😉.
Why you need a game plan for every call
Calls aren't emails. Both are effective sales tools, but they require completely different approaches and skill sets. With newsletters, you can fiddle around with subject lines and action buttons, but ultimately, you'll bulk-send them, even if you segment the audience to improve conversion.
Calls require real-time one-on-one interactions with potential customers. So, you'll need excellent communication skills, quick thinking, and endless patience.
Most importantly, you'll need a game plan. Without a strategy, you'll feel nervous and self-conscious, fumble around, wasting time and annoying your contacts. The likelihood of landing meetings will be negligible. And the more rejections you receive, the worse you'll feel about your sales performance, ultimately affecting your income.
Having a plan doesn't mean you read the script verbatim and never stray off prepared lines. Instead, it's a tactic and a safety net that lets your personal sales touch shine through while relying on effective sales techniques that produce results.
Using our five-step call plan, you'll feel more secure in your position and get more meetings than ever 😉.
Step 1. Uncover pain points through research
Every minute spent on research boosts your chances of dodging the hang-up.
Doing your homework before dialing is vital if you want an effective plan for your first call. Besides, it doesn't take long to check out the prospect's company website and LinkedIn account. You're looking for recent news, events, or changes they've experienced.
Anything that could give you hints about the problems they experience (which you can solve) is a goldmine. Suppose you notice the company is hiring a couple of new sales managers without expanding their offers or entering new markets. That's a likely sign they are unhappy with their sales numbers. Offering to increase their conversions and closed-won sales is sure to grab their attention.
It's a good idea to keep track of all your research and call records in a single database for analysis. So, if you've noticed the same things happening to several companies within the same industry, you can develop a call plan that will work for all of them while citing your findings. If they align with the solution you offer, all the better. That's how you prove the meeting you're offering will bring value even if your contact doesn't end up purchasing your product.
Step 2. Start your call strong
The person on the other side doesn't expect your call. They are probably busy at work and have little time to waste on random conversations. That's why it's so important to start strong.
📞 Here are three effective ways to open your calls:
- Permission-based question. Get your contact buy-in instantly, and you reduce the chances of them hanging up on you later. Unfortunately, there's also a chance they'll hang up early on. If you're ready to risk it, say something like: "Hi, [Name]! Here is [Your Name]. Do you have a minute to discuss [Issue]?"
- Personal connection hook. Use what you've learned through research to make an instant connection: "Hi, [Name]! I heard you speak at [Event], and I'd love to talk to you about [Issue] you mentioned."
- Wild card. If you want to shake things up, try an occasional joke, a surprising question, or a witty comment to make the buyer laugh. This tactic will help you stand out among other sales reps, but it's also risky. Here's how you can do it: "Hi, [Name]! You don't know me, but I know you… from LinkedIn, and I know you might be interested in resolving [Issue]."
⚠️ How to NOT open your calls
If too many buyers instantly hang up on you before or after voicing their objections, you're likely starting your calls all wrong.
Here's what you should not do:
- Hi! How are you? Everyone's busy at work, and they don't want to wade through small talk before you get to the point. Skip the niceties for now.
- Hello! I have a great offer for you! Do not turn your first call into a sales pitch. At best, you'll hear endless objections. At worst, they'll hang up and block your number.
- Hi! I'm very sorry to bother you. I know you must be busy, but I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time. You've already wasted half a minute, and your self-apologetic tone made you sound unsure and weak. It would be extremely hard to recover from such an opening.
Remember to start the conversation with a smile and a positive, upbeat tone. This will make you sound confident and create a positive overall image.
Step 3. Make the conversation about them
So, you've overcome the first hurdle and got the buyer to stay on the line to hear you out. What now? Get to the purpose of the conversation — the problem you can solve for them. Here's how you can generate a productive dialogue and spark interest in three simple steps:
- Observation about their company, niche, market, etc. This shows you've done your homework and are familiar with what's happening in the industry. Example: "I heard your company laid off a bunch of people/launched a new product/went through a merger…"
- Transform your observation into a challenge. Consider which issues trouble the companies in similar situations and draw parallels with your contact. You can insert two or three common challenges and let the buyer choose among them. Example: "I spoke with a couple of people in companies X and Y, and they struggle with [Issue 1] and [Issue 2]."
- Ask an open-ended question about the challenge. To keep the conversation going, show genuine interest and curiosity, use open questions, and do not let the buyer get away with short yes/no responses. Example: "Which of these issues gives you the biggest trouble? Would you share how you're handling it?"
You can repeat this cycle several times throughout the conversation until it feels more comfortable and your contact gets genuinely interested in your offer. But try not to turn your talk into an interrogation by asking too many questions and not giving enough time for responses.
🚫 Avoid the biggest mistake
Resist the temptation to turn this call into a pitch. Do not switch to describing the features and benefits of your product or service. This conversation should be about the contact, their needs, issues, and challenges. The moment your tone switches to selling, they'll lose interest and hang up.
Even if the buyer is interested enough to ask specifically about your solution or pricing, return the conversation to their needs. If they persist, skip to the fifth step and set up a meeting, promising to answer all their questions in a formal demo or sales pitch.
Step 4. Overcome objections
Don't be afraid of objections. Don't get angry or argue. You don't want to turn your call into a shouting match.
⏰ Here's what you'll hear during nine calls out of ten:
- I don't have time to talk now
- Send me an email instead
- We're not interested
- We already use another product
- We're not investing in anything new now
So, objections are an inevitable part of the sales process, but they shouldn't stand in the way of scheduling a meeting.
🤝 Here's a quick guide for handling objections productively:
- Acknowledge the objection. Validate the buyer's feelings and show that you're on their side. Example: "I hear you, and I completely agree!"
- Ask questions to find a solution. If they are still talking to you, let them speak (or vent, if necessary). Genuine curiosity about their issues and position will give you extra time and help you establish rapport. Example: "Why do you feel like that? Would you say [solution] could make it better for you?"
- Confirm resolution. When you successfully resolve their main concerns, confirm your agreement and shift towards your primary objection of setting up a meeting. Example: "So, we agree that [solution] would be a great match for your business. How about we get together and talk it over?"
⛔ Don't chase after every contact
If you discover the company has no issues you can help them with, it's a good time to stop pushing. Even if you convince them to attend a meeting, they'll never qualify or convert into a paying customer. Instead, you'll be wasting time, yours and theirs. You'd better direct your efforts towards the next call and potential buyer.
Remember, you should only go this route AFTER you've talked things out and learned there's nothing you can offer them.
Step 5. Set up a meeting
Booking a meeting is your ultimate goal, so don't let your conversation go to waste. Once you got the prospect hooked, suggest the next step:
- Specify the duration of your meeting or call. For instance, 15 to 30 minutes should be enough for a discovery call.
- Suggest the communication mode. Let them know if you'll call the landline or cell phone, host a Zoom meeting, or come over to their office.
- Offer two alternatives. Convince the buyer they are in control by letting them choose between two days or time slots.
Example: "How about we meet for a 30-minute Zoom call on Friday morning? Or does Monday afternoon work better for you?"
💬 Don’t stop at verbal confirmation
Get them to commit to a meeting while you're still on a call. Have them put a slot into their calendar if they are at their computer. Alternatively, confirm their email and send an email with a calendar invitation and have them accept it before saying your goodbyes.
Congrats! Unless they change their mind right before your meeting, you got yourself a prospect 😉.
A structured call management plan gets more meetings and boosts sales reps' confidence and skills.
Unlike a rigid script, our five-step plan is flexible and allows you to handle most objections.
Start by researching your prospects to uncover which of their problems you could solve. Open the conversation by getting straight to the point and keep it going through open-ended questions. And remember to schedule and confirm a meeting before hanging up.
You’ve got it!
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