How can a CRM integrated with ChatGPT-3 boost your business?

ChatGPT this, ChatGPT that; what’s all this fuss about ChatGPT-3 anyways?

Well, friends, ChatGPT is the future and already on our doorstep. Students are already writing their thesis papers with the help of AI. Programmers are generating code that might end up in a product you’ll use in the future. With all of this, it’s only natural that some form of a ChatGPT-3 integration eventually finds itself in your favourite CRM.

But you might be wondering, “What would a CRM ChatGPT-3 integration look like?”...

That’s exactly what we’ve come here to provide.

Keep reading to find out how ChatGPT could improve CRM in the future, whether there are any concerns about ChatGPT becoming prevalent, and more!

What is ChatGPT-3?

ChatGPT-3 is not only a chatbot, it's a chatbot equipped with the world's most robust AI.

Want to compose an email? It can do that. Create an “explain it like I'm five” summary of a physics theory? Easily done. Write programming code? Sure.

If it sounds like magic, you’re not alone. Many salespeople and managers have been looking to see if you could integrate ChatGPT-3 with a CRM suite.

If you want to find out what ChatGPT is in more technical detail…

  • ChatGPT uses natural language processing (NLP) to generate the content
  • ChatGPT is powered by the GPT-3 AI model which is a cutting-edge development in natural language processing technology
  • ChatGPT is capable of generating content in a variety of styles like essays, blog posts, and code

The way the GPT-3 AI model has been ‘taught’ to do what it does is incredibly complex. It has more than 175 billion parameters that it operates on when generating answers to your prompts.

The benefits of a ChatGPT-3 integration for a CRM

Let’s imagine that the ChatGPT-3 integration for your CRM is already here.

What features would it have? How would you be able to implement AI to help you and your teams achieve better results with your CRM?

Well, here’s the list of what we think a ChatGPT-3 integration could bring to the table soon.

Create highly personalised email campaigns

ChatGPT-3 can assist with generating personalised and relevant responses to customer inquiries and support requests, improving customer experience and satisfaction. It could do so by including context-relevant information in automated email chains or generating better email responses for the salesperson.

Of course, you can make your CRM send out a personalised email campaign based on a template or a pre-written email. With ChatGPT, every email sent out throughout the campaign can contain much more personal and industry-specific context.

For example, if you’re sending out a mass email about a new feature of your product, ChatGPT could send every client “usage examples” of the feature that would apply to their industry based on the context provided to it by the customer card.

The AI could also analyse your customers, providing your teams with information on the potential challenges they might face. It would do so by collecting data from existing customers in the industry and identifying the trends that are present within these records.

However, ChatGPT cannot access the internet, so it can only use data you provide.

The AI could also personalise individual emails in email campaigns being sent out to customers, a huge manual task..

Thibaut Souris has also shared his framework for using ChatGPT to catch his prospects' attention. Here’s what it’s like…

  • Ask ChatGPT to provide you with a bullet point list of challenges that a specific role in a particular company might be experiencing
  • Screenshot the results and send them to your prospect
  • Ask for the prospect's thoughts about whether the AI’s answer

We know this framework already works without CRM integration. However, integration can really expand the abilities of it.

An AI could help salespeople better understand their prospects due to the enormous amount of learning material. With an integration, ChatGPT could even learn from customers' data within your company.

After the AI analyses customer data, salespeople can get better insights into their prospects and challenges. Theb, they’d be able to potentially develop higher-efficiency outreach strategies that utilise ChatGPT.

Notify you when you need to respond

Most CRM systems today have already got fairly robust workflow automation features, but these can only do so much when it comes to notifying employees via emails.

For example, read these two emails…

Email 1: “Hey Mike, I sent you the invoice for Q3 2022, can you confirm you received it?”

Email 2: “Hey John. Got it, thanks!”

These two are quite different regarding the actions an employee would need to take when receiving them.

Email 1 clearly needs a reply. If you fail to respond to it quickly, you risk losing a sales opportunity. On the other hand, Email 2 doesn’t need you to take any action.

Workflow automation wouldn’t know that, and your employees would hear the same ding when they receive either one of the two. However, a ChatGPT integration could tell apart the difference and only notify your employees when it’s something that needs to be addressed.

Help you provide stellar service

In the modern service industry, stellar service is a must with lightning-fast response times. The integration can automate routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up time to focus on more complex and strategic issues. You know, ones that actually require a human. This would not only make your customers more satisfied, but also generate social proof and drive more new customers towards your business. All-in-all it results in higher profits for your business.

By handling basic queries and interactions, ChatGPT-3 can reduce the workload on support teams. This frees up time to focus on higher-value tasks and increases overall efficiency.

Your teams will have much more time to focus on tasks that require an understanding of the specifics of your business processes that a machine can’t develop. For example, if your customer opens a ticket with a minor, but rare technical issue.

On the other hand, another customer has a much more complex problem for your support agent, that would have to be resolved with more care.

Right now, most support chatbots only include a few of the most common technical solutions, often provide no help, and overall are pretty annoying. On the other hand, support chat boxes and email addresses require human support and attention to complete the most straightforward requests.

A ChatGPT integration could be the golden middle between the two.

The integration could identify tickets that don’t need human attention based on its knowledge base. It could provide a preliminary solution to customers. If the solution doesn’t work for the customer, a support manager gets pinged by AI.

Similarly, if the AI decides a ticket is too complex for its knowledge, it will ping the customer support manager without first providing its preliminary response.

This significantly improves customer service. Human support agents would be able to put more care into each specific ticket that requires their attention. Smaller requests would often outright be handled by an AI assistant.

Create better buyer personas

ChatGPT could automatically perform a level of customer analysis to help you create significantly more detailed ICPs and buyer personas. This enables you to sell better to your customer base. Not only that, but this level of insight could potentially help predict future industry trends.

ChatGPT could also create the buyer persona by itself, as it is a language model. It would analyse your customer base, the transcripts of calls and emails, and create a buyer persona based on the information it collects from your customer database.

For example, let’s say John asks ChatGPT to create a buyer persona based on their contacts database. ChatGPT would see that most of the contacts are from the same industry, baking, and have a similar company size of between 10-15 employees per company. The ChatGPT integration would notice these patterns and then expand upon them with its own information database, creating a detailed buyer persona of Johns's customers.

ChatGPT is known for its ability to mimic a character.. Of course, this isn’t that good of an option in business because ChatGPT can still only respond with things that it knows.

However, it would be interesting to ask ChatGPT what objections John’s buyer persona might have towards their product.

Identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities

ChatGPT-3 can help identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, providing recommendations and increasing sales.

With this integration, your CRM could analyse data like…

  • The customer’s usage of your product and the strain they’re exerting on the current plan
  • The appearance of new business activity within the company, such as new business processes or avenues
  • Previous cases to identify upsell opportunities

This could mean that your account managers could create much more compelling offerings for existing accounts. After all, they would have much more free time once the AI takes care of cross-selling.

The integration could also ping account managers about accounts it has identified as cross-selling opportunities, ensuring that no upsell or cross-sell deal is left unexplored.

Generate a summary of previous communication with prospects

The GPT-3 AI could read through transcripts of previous calls, emails, and any messages pulled through integrations and generate a summary for you to always know where you left off.

For example, imagine clicking on a client card in your CRM. What do you see? The entire timeline of communication is usually there. Still, sometimes you just need to dig a little bit deeper to really understand how to provide the best service possible in further communication.

This summary makes it easier for managers,  assigned a lead that a previous manager has worked with, to get familiar with the customer’s company.

Limitations of ChatGPT-3

The AI could have generalised knowledge of an industry, maybe even a technical knowledge of the product. Saying that, ChatGPT can’t have the same in-depth, use-case-based knowledge of a product that a manager has.

ChatGPT-3 would also find it hard to adapt to the specific company style of communication. Current ChatGPT-3 models are only able to adapt to the general tone of the conversation.

ChatGPT  also frequently experiences downtime due to constant server strain. This leads to crucial functions of the integration shutting down at inopportune moments. Being so unstable, it’s difficult to rely on in its current state.
But in the words of a renowned CRM expert and CEO of NetHunt CRM , Andrei Petrik, this limitation is easy to overcome...

“The easiest way to solve the overload issues is by ChatGPT offering guaranteed bandwidth to paying customers. Since a native integration would entail communication with the OpenAI team, companies could pay a fee to OpenAI to ensure that they receive a certain amount of daily requests, which would be sure to make the uptime of the integration more reliable.

Would a ChatGPT-3 integration compromise data security in a CRM?

As Andrei put it…

“People will be ready and willing to share their data in exchange for a tool to enrich their work life by such a degree…”

But it doesn't mean that an integration with ChatGPT-3 would compromise your CRM data security.

Even though ChatGPT-3 (read: OpenAI, the company behind this AI tool) will be a third-party service having access to your CRM data, you shouldn't worry about confidentiality.

Before an integration like that rolls out, it'll have to obtain a number of security certifications, go through standard legal processes and get a tangible proof of its adequate data protection practices — just like any other product or service.

The impact ChatGPT-3 and AI will have on the CRM software market


The CRM industry has always been about making your life easier. Organised customer databases, to marketing and sales functionality, automated workflows, and potentially AI assistance,  it’s only natural to assume that CRM companies started looking into AI as soon as the full capabilities of ChatGPT.

After all, ChatGPT-3 can bring so much to the CRM market to developers, C-level management, end-users, and even customers of the end-user’s company!

  • The developers can create revolutionary technology
  • C-level management knows their employees are more effective with the assistance of AI
  • End user's work processes become so much more simple
  • Customers get even better service

It sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it? It could be just that for the market: A game changer.


It’s best we wait and see how all this AI business turns out. After all, the Metaverse was a big thing a couple of years ago. Now it’s AI’s turn. For now, only time can tell whether the AI craze will die and slow down, or whether this is the new big thing.

Andrei Petrik mentioned that the NetHunt CRM’s communication hub would be amazing to integrate with ChatGPT, allowing the artificial intelligence to transcribe phone conversations, and summarise messages, calls and emails. ChatGPT could also be used from the hub to help salespeople talk to customers.

Wouldn’t that be great?

For now, we’ll just have to wait and see what new developments AI will bring us.

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