The G2 Winter Report for the year 2023 has recently been published, and we have some great news to share!

We have received quite a few awards from G2 this year. Thanks to our fantastic team and their dedication to providing the best Gmail-integrated CRM experience, and thanks to you, our customers who put their trust into NetHunt CRM.

In fact, we’ve received more awards than we ever have before!

What is G2, and what’s the Winter Report?

G2 is a review platform for B2B products and services. It’s one of the most trustworthy and reputable sources for companies to browse product opinions.

Every year, G2 publishes their Winter Report, where awards are given to businesses that have excelled in their industries and received positive reviews.

We’re here to tell you about the rewards we have received this year, and what that means for you, our NetHunt CRM family.

What awards has NetHunt CRM received?

This year we’ve received a whopping 39 awards from the G2 Winter Report! That’s three times what we received last year. See? We told you we’re going to get more this year!

We have seen immense growth this year thanks to the support of our dear customers (that’s you!), and we’re not planning on slowing down anytime soon!

But here, we only want to give you an outline of critical milestones that we have hit.

Here are a few of the most important awards that NetHunt CRM have received this year…

  1. The High Performer Badge was awarded to us in the enterprise, medium, and small business categories. This badge was awarded to us for high levels of customer satisfaction among those business sizes.
  2. The Momentum Leader Badge was awarded to NetHunt CRM for having the highest levels of positive growth during this quarter.
  3. The Most Implementable Badge, which truly proves that implementing NetHunt CRM is a breeze for companies of all sizes, especially with the help of our customer success team.
  4. The Highest User Adoption Badge, shows that you, our customers, have found it easy to adopt NetHunt CRM as a part of your tech stack
  5. The Best Results of 2023 badge means we have earned the highest overall results rating amongst other Gmail CRMs.
  6. We have also received the Leader Badge for 2023, thanks to your continued support of NetHunt CRM

What do all of these badges mean to you?

If you’re already a NetHunt CRM user, these badges are only here, thanks to you. Therefore, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for using our product and supporting us on our journey of creating the best Gmail CRM possible.

Seeing the support our product receives online, and the badges that come as a result gives us the motivation to continue to create a better experience for you, our customers. Really, these badges aren’t ours, they’re yours.

And if you’re not yet our customer, take these badges as a sign to start your 14-day free trial. We are driven to provide our customers with the best possible experience and tools to drive their business forward.

Last year, we said that we would win even more badges, and this year, we did. Next year, there will be another record to set.

Sending you our love, thanks, and the holiday spirit from NetHunt ❤️

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