New at NetHunt: February 2024 updates

More accurate filtering, mobile improvements, and better email notifications

As February winds down, it's time to share the exciting product updates we've rolled out for NetHunt CRM. Our team has been working hard to improve your experience, enhance workflows, fix pivotal issues, and expand our mobile capabilities.

Before diving into the specifics, we'd like to express our gratitude for your ongoing support and feedback. It's crucial for shaping the future of NetHunt CRM, and we're always eager to hear from you.

Let's take a closer look at what's new and improved this February.

Your feedback means the world to us

We know that great products start with great conversations. That's why we decided to ask you for your honest opinion about NetHunt CRM. Please, take a moment out of your day and leave an honest review of your experience using NetHunt CRM on G2.

>> Leave a review

πŸ”„ Enhanced round-robin assignment in Workflows

We've significantly improved the round-robin user assign order in workflows. Now, adding or deleting a user from the user's pool in a "Replace with one of" step won't reset the assignment order.

This means the system will assign the next record to the next user in line, as intended. It will ensure a fair and equal distribution of records among users. No more starting from scratch with the first user every time you change!

πŸ” Fixed: more accurate URL field filtering

We've fine-tuned filtering by URL fields. The "Contains" operator now searches the entire link rather than just the domain, making your search results more precise and relevant. This fix ensures you can efficiently find records based on specific URL criteria.

Filtering by URL now works as it should πŸ‘‹

πŸ“‘ Improved card view grouping

We've improved how related records group card views. Previously, you might have noticed empty columns where deleted related records used to be. We've removed those empty spaces to provide you with a cleaner and more accurate view of your data.

πŸ“§ Enhanced email notifications

Some user action email notifications now include the record link, making it easier to jump straight to the relevant record. This enhancement saves time and improves workflow efficiency.

Some emails in your inbox now have a link to the company/customer record

🚫 Fixed: email campaign unsubscribe events

We've resolved an issue where Unsubscribe events were not showing on the email campaign results page. Now, you can accurately track who has unsubscribed from your campaigns, helping you maintain a cleaner, more engaged mailing list.

πŸ› οΈ Numeric field conversion issue fixed

A bug was fixed where users couldn't create records after converting a text field into a numeric field due to incompatible previous default values. This improvement ensures smoother field conversions and data integrity.

πŸ“± Mobile enhancement: iOS campaign emails view

For our iOS users, you can now view Campaign emails directly from the timeline, a feature that was previously available only on Android. This update brings parity across mobile platforms, ensuring a seamless user experience regardless of your device.

Bottom line

We're excited to bring these updates to you and hope they enhance your NetHunt CRM experience. Remember, your feedback is invaluable to us. Let us know your thoughts and how we can continue to improve!

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